
Download the files

You can download the files from here and unzip them.

Installation in the J2EE server

We need to install the J2EE application and configure the data sources in this step.

Configure the server environment

The J2EE application has to find various configuration files (e.g. conf/application.propertiesconf/ or the different reports that we can run (e.g. reports/test.jasper).
Using the operating system environment variable OC_JASPER_CONFIG_HOME we can configure where these files reside on the filesystem. This directory is the same as the base directory of your downloaded files, i.e. it should at least the subdirectories conf, reports, logs.
Unix / Linux
On a Unix / Linux system running Tomcat you could for example add this setting to the Tomcat startup script (e.g. /usr/local/tomcat/bin/
On a Windows machine you could do the same (e.g. c:\program files\apache tomcat\bin\startup.cmd):
or you could modify the system environment of the machine and create the variable OC_JASPER_CONFIG_HOME=c:\JasperReportsIntegration

Configure your database access

Edit the file OC_JASPER_CONFIG_HOME/conf/ and configure the data source default to connect to your Oracle schema (change the parts in bold to point to the Oracle schema you want to connect to):

# JDBC datasource configuration


Take the application server of your choice and deploy the file webapp/JasperReportsIntegration.war to it. Typically you could then reach the JasperReportsIntegration homepage with the URL http://<server>:<port>/JasperReportsIntegration.

Installation of database objects

The database objects required for the integration will be installed into each application schema that you want to use with the integration. 

The installation instructions will refer to the application schema (in which you install the software) as [application schema]. The password for the application schema will be referred to as [application schema password].

Thus when I use an instruction like sqlplus [application schema]/[application schema password]@[database] please replace that with the actual values of your local installation. For example, if you want to install the integration kit into the schema HR with the password hr1 into your local XE instance (having a TNS entry named xe) then this instruction translates to:

sqlplus hr/hr1@xe

Database installation (SYS)

First of all we need to grant the required privileges to the Oracle user who will own the packages for the integration.

  1. Extract the downloaded zip file.
  2. Open a command shell:
    • e.g. on Windows: Start > Execute : cmd
  3. Go to the subdirectory sql (of where you extracted the file):
    • cd sql
  4. Connect as SYS to the local instance (using sqlplus)
    • sqlplus "sys/[sys password]@[database] as sysdba"
  5. Run the installation script (and pass the name of the target application schema as a parameter)
    • @sys_install.sql [application schema]
  6. [optional] If you are installing on an Oracle Release 11.0 and higher, you have to grant the required network privileges to the application schema. 
    • The  script sys_install_acl.sql allows access to the local machine on port 80 to port 10000. Please adapt the script to suit your needs, especially if the J2EE server is running on a different machine. It needs to be run for each application schema using the integration.
    • @sys_install_acl.sql [application schema]

Database installation (Application Schema)

  1. Open a command shell:
    • e.g. on Windows: Start > Execute : cmd
  2. Go to the subdirectory sql (of where you extracted the file):
    • cd sql
  3. Connect as the application schema to the local instance (using sqlplus)
    • sqlplus [application schema]/[application schema password]@[database]
  4. Run the installation script
    • @user_install.sql

Installation of the test application

The test application will allow for basic testing of the integration with all relevant parts. Install the application file apex\f860_JasperIntegrationTest_x.x.x.x.sql into your workspace.